Sunday, 29 November 2015


 I'm starting to think I'll never keep a promise I make on this blog!
29 days into November and still no post of my Halloween costume.
But I'm here and I've got not one, but 3 Halloween looks from this year!

The first look actually took the longest to construct. It was for the local bar crawl that most Uni students enjoy taking part in.
True to form I was the most overly made up person in the clubs but HEY thats the way I like it!
I created a half Frankenstein stiched up face using paint, embroidery thread, liquid latex and some scarring liuid that I can never remember the name of!
I wore one black contact lense and one green and a black wrap around pony tail. Finally I sprayed the rest of my hair black with two strips of white.
 The second look was for a house party we decided to through the friday before halloween. As it was only a small gathering I didnt go too majorly dressed up (for me anyway!). I found a dress on eBay that I totally fell inlove with, so decided to become the character on it: Corpse Bride!
It took me 3 attempts of redoing the makeup and even the final look I wasn't happy with (as you can see by the comment I posted in the picture from snapchat: oh add me if you like! It's "ditsybubble")
This look was basically a black wig, blue, white, and black face paint, pink lipstick and two sets of eyelashes stuck to either sid of my overly drawn on eyes,

 This final look was the most prepared for (starting in August!)
The head piece was made by hand. A white wig, papier mache horns painted silver, fake ivy, fake white flowers, silver sprayed old extensions and a lot of hot glue and glitter! Stencils were used to create snowflakes on my fake and neck and rhinestones were glued to eyelashes then painted white. Black contacts were worn.
** WARNING- do not wear cheap contacts for extended periods of time! I had a head ache the whole of the next day from wearing them for 12 hours! And very sore eyes**

Hope you enjoyed these looks! Comment below with your halloween costumes or post our pics if you decide to recreate any of these!


Monday, 14 September 2015


Once again I've neglected this page and not sure how or where to start up again!
Well here's a list of where I am in life since I last posted:
I turned 22.
I finished my second year of Graphics design at University and heading into the third and final year in the next few weeks.
I've been on counless holidays!
I started teaching swimming, but only for a year and a bit. I quit this summer to focus on my Uni course.
I played for the University netball team for the second year. Unfortunately work got in the way for a lot of it but this year my time table is a bit more flexible!

In a previous post I mentioned a Halloween costume which consisted of a black wig, yellow contacts and blue body paint. Well I guess I've kept you waiting for a stupid amount of time to reveal the end result, so without further a do.... Here is my Halloween costume of 2014 (very late I know!)


Unfortunately I never managed to get a clear photo of the whole outfit as it was late at night and the house had terrible lighting!
The outfit took weeks of painting, sewing and cutting expecially as each part of the costume would trickle in through the post as most of it came from ebay.
This year is no different and I already have some of the pieces in transit from good old China!
So far I have bought: Feathers, twigs,silver and white spray paint and a white wig... much much more to order, but lets see if you can have a guess what this years outfit will be.
Oh and I promise to post nearer Halloween this time so you dont have to wait over a year for me to get my butt in gear!

Comment down below your halloween outfit ideas!

Much love

Friday, 28 March 2014

DIY- Scrunch bum bikini

 An easy DIY to jazz up your bikini and give a virtual butt lift to your booty!

What you will need: 
Bikini bottoms
Thread (preferably a similar colour to your bikini) 
Step one: Untie your bikini straps if they have them, or turn your bottoms inside out if not. 

Step two: If your bikini has a double layer on the bum, you will need to cut out the inner layer along the inside of the seam.

 Step three: Measure and draw a line down the centre of the bottoms, starting at the top and working your way down to the stitching.

Step four: Grab your needle. Thread it so it is doubled and tie a knot at the end. 
Step five: Start at the stitching at the bottom of the line you drew and sew two or three loops to secure the thread to the bottoms (We don't want it coming undone!)
 Step six: Sew a running stitch about 1cm apart along your line to the top of the bikini.
 Step seven: Begin to pull your thread at the top so that the bikini begins to scrunch!
**It's up to you how much you want to scrunch your bottoms, so try on your bikini and pull until the desired scrunch is achieved!**
 Step eight: Sew a few loops at the seam, similar to the ones you started with, at the top of the bikini to secure the bottoms in place.
 Step nine: Tie a knot or two to give extra security
 Step ten: Cut off an excess thread.
 Tie up your string at the side or turn your bikini the right way around and you are FINISHED!

I hope you found this helpful! If you tried this out, link your pictures down below! I'd love to see the finished results!

Hope you all have a great day

Much love

Monday, 6 January 2014

The Most Amazing Fruit Smoothie

Finally an easy and cheap smoothie that tastes incredible! 

What you will need: 
A blender 
A chopping board 
A sharp knife
One Banana
4 or 5 Strawberries 
Orange Juice
What to do:
1. Peel the banana and chop the tops off the strawberries
2. Chop the banana and strawberries into smallish sections and put them into the blender
3. Pour the orange juice to the top of the fruit
4. BLEND! till smooth
5. Pour and enjoy!

You can adjust the amount of each ingredient to your desire to make the perfect, sweet but HEALTHY drink!
Perfect to start your day off in the morning or as a snack to keep you full till dinner
Hope you enjoy this smoothie as much as I do!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

My secrets to long full lashes

Wanna get full, long, thick lashes? Here's my holy grail products...

1. LancĂ´me's cils booster- eyelash primer (£21 from John Lewis) 
Now this little baby I have repurchased 3 times already and need to get another soon! 
The basic idea of it is to use before your mascara to prime your lashes with a white cream base that dries transparent. The end result? 
It protects your natural lashes from the harsh chemicals that some mascaras contain.
It enhances the colour of the mascara (unlike most eyelash primers that leave a black mascara looking a dull gray) 
And adds a layer of thickness and length to your lash.

Personally I find the product more lengthening than thickening, but the results are still noticeably different! 

2. Max Factor's eye brightening, tonal black volume sing mascara (£6.99 from super drug) 
This product suggests that it's unique coloured formular brightens the look of your eye's natural colour. 
I don't agree.
However why I love his mascara so much is is ability to separate my lashes without minimising the volume that the eyelash primer supplies us with.
The product appears to last all day and I've had no problems with smudging or smearing down my face, even during a long, hot, sweating netball match! 
I still don't believe it's my all time favourite mascara and I'm still deciding if I want to repurchase it or keep looking, but it sure does the job nicely atm. 

3. Divaderme lash extender (lashes in a bottle) (£9.99 from amazon) (was £6.49 when I bought it a month ago! So quick buy it now before it gets more expensive!) 
Now this baby isn't well know and I simply can't fathom why more people are raving about this product! 
How to use:
After applying a genrous layer of mascara on BOTH sides of your lashes! (That means ontop too ladies!) quickly brush on the lash extenders wand over the wet mascara. Leave to set for a few seconds then apply another coat of mascara to seal in the little micro fibres. 
Ditsy's top tips: 
A thick brushed mascara helps to apply more product to help the fibres stick
A plastic brushed mascara (like the one mentioned above) helps to separate any major clumps that my have formed
Place a piece of toilet roll or tissue under your eye because this can get messy! 
Add as many layers as you want to get longer and thicker lashes, but be warmed, the greedier you get, the more likely the lashes may clump to the extent that your mascara wand cannot seep rate them! This is me talking from experience! Two layers of these micro fibres are plenty! 

Hope these tips help! Photos are still to come! 

Much love 

P.s. I'm not being sponsored by any of these companies products... I genuinely love them! 

My Halloween costume 2013

So Halloween was an interesting night all round. Drinks, drama and a disgusting mess of a house the day after! 
But costume wise there were some amazing creations and everyone made a great effort!
For my costume... Drum roll please.... 
A Werewolf! 
Now if you're planning on wearing contacts like I did.. Please put them in before you start the makeup! Putting the contacts in after only meant I had to redo half of the eye makeup! Plus it gives your eyes time to adjust before you show the world your fabulous costume! 
However if you have sensitive eyes I would advise against the contacts, if placed poorly or a low budget contact is used they can be extremely irritating for the eyes! You have been warned. 
Hope you all had a great Halloween and enjoy the Fireworks tonight if you haven't already this weekend! 
Much love 

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Long time no post!

Wow it has been a while since i posted on here! I guess life got in the way. 
University is crazy busy. Add work, ice skating, rock climbing and netball to the mix and you've got a very busy girl! 
But it's all about time management. I'm very good at writing timetables and lists and schedules, but sticking to them is another thing! 
In school I never got into the habit of coming home and doing my homework first thing... I was always straight on the sofa watching TV!
But they say its never to late to teach an old dog new tricks... so I am teaching myself to get the work done the day it's set... if possible (due to the list above!)
It's hard... I'm not going to lie! 
Especially as I have recently LOST one of my sketchbooks that has all my work in for a deadline on monday! Not cool. I'm hoping I've left it at Uni and it's been handed in at lost property! 
*pray for my sketchbook to be found!*
Fashion is becoming a bigger part of my life... unfortunately my bank balance can't keep up with it!

Halloween is right around the corner and I have some wicked ideas for you artistic beauties to try out! 
I'll give a clue... one involves yellow contacts... a black afro wig and a WHOLE LOT of blue paint! see if you can guess ;) 
Keep an eye out on my youtube channel for the tutorials and of course I shall post pictures and details of the items used on here!
Hope to be more active on the blogging and YouTube community! 
Much Love 
Ditsy Bubble