Wow it has been a while since i posted on here! I guess life got in the way.
University is crazy busy. Add work, ice skating, rock climbing and netball to the mix and you've got a very busy girl!
But it's all about time management. I'm very good at writing timetables and lists and schedules, but sticking to them is another thing!
In school I never got into the habit of coming home and doing my homework first thing... I was always straight on the sofa watching TV!
But they say its never to late to teach an old dog new tricks... so I am teaching myself to get the work done the day it's set... if possible (due to the list above!)
It's hard... I'm not going to lie!
Especially as I have recently LOST one of my sketchbooks that has all my work in for a deadline on monday! Not cool. I'm hoping I've left it at Uni and it's been handed in at lost property!
*pray for my sketchbook to be found!*
Fashion is becoming a bigger part of my life... unfortunately my bank balance can't keep up with it!
Halloween is right around the corner and I have some wicked ideas for you artistic beauties to try out!
I'll give a clue... one involves yellow contacts... a black afro wig and a WHOLE LOT of blue paint! see if you can guess ;)
Keep an eye out on my youtube channel for the tutorials and of course I shall post pictures and details of the items used on here!
Hope to be more active on the blogging and YouTube community!
Much Love
Ditsy Bubble